Tuesday, 7 July 2009

Social Media Demographics in India

While just being a Tweeter in India today is being perceived as being ‘plugged in’, there’s yet a long way to go wrt Social Media in India. Some of the statistics here seem to validate this argument. Thought I’d share it with you.

While India has had overwhelming print / TV media eco-system (over 25 news channels, 20+ national newspapers, over 150 registered vernaculars, etc.), social media is yet to evolve to a stage where marketers start taking it seriously. The growth is rapid, however, it is still only the beginning of the transition phase for Social. A large part of it could be attributed to the Indian psyche of being less dialogue-oriented and more functional online behavior. Having said that, 52% of the current netizen population is under 25 and most of them spend time online going to dating & matrimonial sites. :-)

Social media might be premature, but before we say ‘Slumdog’ we could be left out of the lightning-fast internet community unless we create a platform for ourselves and utilize it to connect with our audience!

I’ve been attending a few conferences / workshops on Social Media and my honest opinion is that if you’ve attended one, you’ve done all of them. The reason being that fundamentally, they all say the same thing: “We can give you tips & tricks, but largely, most of it is DIY!" I completely agree with this, as you can NEVER use social media effectively with cob-webs in your head and more importantly, you’ll never be able to communicate well if you don’t try enough! Just go out there and start your own twitter profile/ FB page about something you believe in. And when you do, get back to be and give me some tips. :-P


More later,


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